Aug 102011

Ok finally got the nerve up to finally take my shoes out for a ride and I must say, that after all of the worrying about falling over etc. it is not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. It almost feels natural to pull my shoes out of the cleats and get them to the road. Now I do realize they are on the easiest setting so that may have something to do with it, but for now I am pleasantly surprised at how it went. Now I need to start riding again, but I am working so much now that only leaves the weekends, so I need to prioritize it a bit more now.


Jul 312011

When I got my Bianchi bike a while ago it had spd pedals on it which I quickly removed, now I have finally bought a pair of shoes to fit and will be trying them out today a bit later on, this will be my first time riding with them and hopefully it goes well and I dont kill myself falling over, will let you know when I try them to let you know how it feels.

Jul 312011

When I got my Bianchi bike a while ago it had spd pedals on it which I quickly removed, now I have finally bought a pair of shoes to fit and will be trying them out today a bit later on, this will be my first time riding with them and hopefully it goes well and I dont kill myself falling over, will let you know when I try them to let you know how it feels.

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