Well finally stopped being lazy and decided to start trying to bike again, hopefully so I can commute to work on my bike, since I live 4 miles from work should be a cake walk. Rode 5 miles last night and felt ok afterwards. Still kept my average that I had back in July, so […]
Biked for another 15 minutes last night and pushed a bit harder for 5 minutes and actually tried to check my heart rate at different times, will try to monitor it better next time. Completed 4.48 miles last night, after 5 minutes of less than 18 mph and heart rate was 138, after 10 minutes […]
Ok I think I need to start and try to bike again, it seems my company is moving my office less than 5 miles from my house with good roads and decent shoulders between so I guess I will try to bike to work off and on. Should be easy rides to and from although […]
Sorry, it has been a while since I have posted, well I wanted to get a few things together to update. First, I finally got to take my bike outside for the first time. This was also a chance to ride with my son, who is 18 years old. It was actually a great time, […]
I have acquired a video by Tacx, set in the Pyrenees, and I really enjoy this one. I am not sure if that helped me or not bit it seems that I actually set a record for time in the saddle and distance and average speed. I rode an hour for the first time ever […]
I only had a single brazed on area for a water bottle holder and I am planning on riding some longer rides soon and wanted to see how I could add a water bottle holder to my bike. I found M-Wave plastic water bottle which clamps on to just about anywhere. I found it at […]
Well, just rode again, and since I had just ridden the other night for longer than any other time, I thought I would just ride 30 minutes. Now the farthest I have ever ridden in 30 minutes was just under 10 miles, tonight I made it 10.4 miles which gave me the fastest average speed […]
Well my working out on the trainer seems to be paying off, I set a few different marks that I feel are impressive as well as achieving a goal I set almost a month ago. First the goal that I set, which is what caused me to work so hard last night, on mapmyride.com/tdf you […]
I have been riding the trainer now for almost a month, during that time I have learned a lot about myself and about using a trainer, and I am still ramping up my distances and average speeds. I have hit an all time high miles of 13.2 miles in 45 minutes, which works out to […]
Well, biked on the trainer again, trying to follow a spinning video. Holy crap, they could kill a person, and it is a bad idea to try and stand and pedal on an indoor trainer, very hard, there is not enough resistance to make it work, no matter the gear. Also, you wouldn’t think that […]