I finally sprung for a Raspberry, thought the form factor was pretty neat and with what it seemed possible to do with it, just thought it was time to check it out. I bought mine from mcmelectronics.com and with it being so new I was put on the waitlist for 12 days and then it was […]
Ok, I have brought my website back online after a number of years, I am fairly good at working on all things computer from hardware to software, from web pages to applications, from virus removal to malware fixing, and I figured that maybe some people out there would like a cheaper alternative to those big […]
Well, I signed up to be a part of Weatherbug’s Backyard, weatherbug’s PWS implementation. My data is flowing correctly, but just not sure how I can get the data to start showing up in the desktop weatherbug just yet. I do see my data here, and it is near “real time” in case you are […]
The weather forecast for Bel Air, MD is now at http://hometownnerd.co.cc/weather/homeforecast.html as well as in the main weather page at http://hometownnerd.co.cc/weather
Just to let you know if you stumble on this blog…my weather station is at http://hometownnerd.co.cc/weather and it is also on twitter at http://twitter.com/BelAirMDWX which is an hourly updated short version of my weather and forecasts for Bel Air, MD