Feb 162015

I am not really a blogger by any sense of the imagination, sure I will write the occasional post about something that catches my eye or aggravates me, but I really never set out to become a full fledged blogger. Now, I am not sure the current email course I am reading will change any of that, although it would be nice to start earning some income, if that is at all possible via the knowledge I do have after being a developer for around 25 years. The course in question is one put out by John Sonmez or the Simple Programmer. The email course about blogging can be signed up for by going to the following link, devcareerboost.com/blog-course. No I am not being paid to send you to the link except maybe through the knowledge he is giving me. He is also a writer that has written a good book on development “Soft Skills: The Softwares Developer’s Life Manual”, which sadly I have not yet read, but will just as soon as I finish the final Game Of Thrones book, soon very soon. Anyway, he writes and shares a lot of very good information that he has gathered over his years as a developer and most of it is very beneficial to other devs.

The email course lesson I received today talked about how to create traffic, which is one thing I have been having a very hard time generating being a very private developer and not having the networking, meeting people and using them for the people they may know, ability that many people in the IT field. I have always struggled in this aspect of getting myself out there. This course seems to have a lot of good ideas on how to generate traffic, and it all seems like it is very helpful in getting me traffic so I thought I would share it with you and maybe get some traffic coming from his blog, and hopefully someone will get something from my blog when they do in fact find it. I do have a couple of posts that have received a couple thousand views over the past few years they have been posted, like how to use a domain name with a dynamic IP, which is by far my most popular post. I hopefully will get some more traffic due to this posting and small review. Hopefully you will find his email course useful to you as I have and hopefully you will get the blog that you have always wanted with the traffic to show you are doing it right.

The email course so far have covered what makes blogs fail and the theme of the blog, how to get started and how and where to host, what to write about and how to get ideas, how best to get your blogging feet on the ground and what you should do to make it successful, and then today’s which was how to generate traffic. I had previously created my blog and luckily had done the first 2 lessons correctly, or at least close enough, that I really could start with the 3rd lesson.

For my part I think I will start to post some stuff that I have learned during my development time, maybe some code and maybe some other things steeped in development. Hopefully, I will start to find some loyal followers and I will be able to help out a few people in my blog.

Again, if you are looking to learn quite a bit of good information about being a dev or about what it takes to be one, check out The Simple Programmer or read his book “Soft Skills: The Softwares Developer’s Life Manual”, if you want to learn about blogging and how to establish yourself and your blog then sign up for his email course devcareerboost.com/blog-course.

Later all!

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