Just testing out Open Live Writer from the Windows Store. Seems like a nice App and a very nice way to post Blog posts to my wordpress blog, even this self hosted one. And it is a free app at that, very nice! Even posted a picture straight to my blog.
I have been around IT for quite a while now, I owned my first Internet connected PC in 1994 or so, although I did own a Commodore 128 that connected to BBSes before that. I remember connecting to those at 300 baud and trying to locate a 1200 baud modem. I even had a 3.5″ […]
I finally sprung for a Raspberry, thought the form factor was pretty neat and with what it seemed possible to do with it, just thought it was time to check it out. I bought mine from mcmelectronics.com and with it being so new I was put on the waitlist for 12 days and then it was […]
I used to love getting Entenmann’s danishes, they were reasonably priced and pretty good, I was always partial to the Cheese and the Raspberry danish. I have been getting them for quite a while and they were of decent consistent quality. Well this seems to have changed, it seems they have made some changes to their […]
I used to love getting Entenmann’s danishes, they were reasonably priced and pretty good, I was always partial to the Cheese and the Raspberry danish. I have been getting them for quite a while and they were of decent consistent quality. Well this seems to have changed, it seems they have made some changes to their […]
I have been running Windows 10 on my tablet now for about 2 months or so, and must say, I absolutely love it. Am I saying this because I am a Microsoft or Windows Lover, no! Even though I do love Windows I have not been a fan of everything that Microsoft has done, yes […]
I am not really a blogger by any sense of the imagination, sure I will write the occasional post about something that catches my eye or aggravates me, but I really never set out to become a full fledged blogger. Now, I am not sure the current email course I am reading will change any […]
Well finally stopped being lazy and decided to start trying to bike again, hopefully so I can commute to work on my bike, since I live 4 miles from work should be a cake walk. Rode 5 miles last night and felt ok afterwards. Still kept my average that I had back in July, so […]
Biked for another 15 minutes last night and pushed a bit harder for 5 minutes and actually tried to check my heart rate at different times, will try to monitor it better next time. Completed 4.48 miles last night, after 5 minutes of less than 18 mph and heart rate was 138, after 10 minutes […]
Ok I think I need to start and try to bike again, it seems my company is moving my office less than 5 miles from my house with good roads and decent shoulders between so I guess I will try to bike to work off and on. Should be easy rides to and from although […]