Just wanted to post about a creepy little neat game called Closure and is at http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/480006 and is free. The object is to get to the door and go through it, but the trick is that the board is only lit by little balls of light….no light=no board and you can fall through it, which can be advantageous in some circumstances, like when a wall is in the way etc. There are also these lamps that can move a light from one area to another as well as some keys to unlock the door. The game is quite good and fun and addictive as crap, but it is also quite difficult at times, once you make a mistake it is over and you must start over on the level. I think this is a very good game to play especially around Halloween, enjoy!
Well, in an effort to cut the traffic coming to my house and to lower utilization of my cpu on my server I am trying to host this blog on wordpress.com at http://hometownnerd.wordpress.com . Not sure yet how I like it since there are no plugins here and cannot extend it much because of that not sure yet if I will stay here. Maybe I will keep both and just host the same info on both? Later
I do not normally repost stuff from others but saw a post on this today and thought I would share the information I found in it
I’m not a fan of iTunes, especially since I use a WP7 which forces me to use Zune. But I do have to admit that one particular feature of Apple’s online media store is absolutely wonderful, and well worth exploring.
That feature is called iTunes U. The “U” stands for University, and it’s a scheme whereby dozens of the world’s top universities make thousands of lectures available online. Most of them are completely free, and can be accessed by anyone, regardless of whether you’re a student at the university concerned.
The lectures cover every subject under the sun, and because they were produced within leading universities it’s a fair bet that they’re accurate and trustworthy.
To use iTunes U, the only downside is that you’ll need to install iTunes on your PC and sign up for a free account. The download, from http://www.apple.com/itunes, is around 75 MB. Once you’re done, head to the iTunes Store and then click on the iTunes U button in the top menu bar. You’ll be glad you did.
Hopefully that information will help someone find a lecture they may be looking for.
I do not normally repost stuff from others but saw a post on this today and thought I would share the information I found in it
I’m not a fan of iTunes, especially since I use a WP7 which forces me to use Zune. But I do have to admit that one particular feature of Apple’s online media store is absolutely wonderful, and well worth exploring.
That feature is called iTunes U. The “U” stands for University, and it’s a scheme whereby dozens of the world’s top universities make thousands of lectures available online. Most of them are completely free, and can be accessed by anyone, regardless of whether you’re a student at the university concerned.
The lectures cover every subject under the sun, and because they were produced within leading universities it’s a fair bet that they’re accurate and trustworthy.
To use iTunes U, the only downside is that you’ll need to install iTunes on your PC and sign up for a free account. The download, from http://www.apple.com/itunes, is around 75 MB. Once you’re done, head to the iTunes Store and then click on the iTunes U button in the top menu bar. You’ll be glad you did.
Hopefully that information will help someone find a lecture they may be looking for.
I never realized how much someone that I did not know could have an impact on my life. My love for computers started way back in 1982 or so and it was because of Steve Jobs’ Apple II that caused it. I had no idea who he was at the time, I just knew I loved this new box that I had started to play with. I used to spend my lunches in the library just so I could spend some time near it. I moved to a different school and found that the one Apple they had was treated like it was gold and you had to be “on the list” to get to be near it…new school = “not on the list”. Luckily I was only there for half of a school year. I went to high school and everyone was basically new and I showed an interest in the couple of computers we had in school and took a BASIC programming course and got in good with the librarian, the key holder for one of the Apple IIe computers we had and spent the next 4 years harnessing the love for computers I would eventually use to make a living. Now, 25 years later, I actually write in a language very similar to the one I learned way back then and make a fairly decent living at it, all thanks to a computer Steve Jobs created. I am not an Iphone/Ipod Touch user, but I know awesome when I see it, the designs for all Apple products have been nothing short of amazing, their Air laptop is just absolutely amazing, their OS is very user friendly and affordable, they just seem to get it, when so many others just seem to miss the boat.
Thank you, Steve Jobs, for being one of the most influential people on the planet during my lifetime!
I just saw this site and thought it would be interesting for us that may be socially active online. If you have a rather full online social life and were thinking maybe you wished you could automate some of the tasks you perform everyday, you may want to check out http://ifttt.com/ which stands for If This Then That. It will automate quite a large amount of tasks like if you wanted to send someone a direct message when they followed you automatically, etc. I just came across this site this morning and thought it may interest both of the people that frequent my blog.
The list below are all of the sites they currently interface with….
Craigslist Date & Time Delicious Email Facebook Facebook Pages Feed ffffound! Flickr foursquare Gmail Google Calendar Google Reader Google Talk ifttt Instagram Last.fm Phone Call Pinboard Posterous Readability SMS Stocks tumblr Twitter Vimeo Weather WordPress YouTube Zootool
First and formost, no custom ringtones for emails, texts, or voicemails? What is up with that? Microsoft provides custom ringers from phone calls in this update but forgets to add that to the other notifications? hmmm, what a shame. Next shortcoming is also a notification, when something wants to give me a notification on this very in touch OS, why is it it does not give me a flashing LED to say “Hey idiot you missed a notification!” not saying it needs to be customizable or anything just a simple flashing LED to get my attention and they can even all have the same LED flash. Oh well, maybe next time they release an update they will include some more of the basic things people need.