Last night, 5/24/2011, I decided to take a shorter ride and ride as many times as I could, so I rode a 1.8 mile small loop 3 times, getting me 5.5 miles of riding in with very little rest, I felt much better and didn’t feel like I was going to die! I also cut my time from 30 mins in April to 23 minutes last night, so things are looking up right now, I also lowered my times for each lap from 8 minutes to 7.5 minutes to 7.25 minutes, it seems I am getting my legs back.
I am setting my sights on a century, maybe the monument to monument century next May and also looking at joining a local biking group soon, but I do not want to be in this bad of shape, I do not want to embarrass myself just yet. Another few times riding short trips to build myself up and then pull a larger maybe a 15 mile trip and see how it goes and then maybe I will join a local biking group.
This riding has also made it so that I made a profile on map my ride,