May 262011

Last night, 5/24/2011, I decided to take a shorter ride and ride as many times as I could, so I rode a 1.8 mile small loop 3 times, getting me 5.5 miles of riding in with very little rest, I felt much better and didn’t feel like I was going to die! I also cut my time from 30 mins in April to 23 minutes last night, so things are looking up right now, I also lowered my times for each lap from 8 minutes to 7.5 minutes to 7.25 minutes, it seems I am getting my legs back.

I am setting my sights on a century, maybe the monument to monument century next May and also looking at joining a local biking group soon, but I do not want to be in this bad of shape, I do not want to embarrass myself just yet. Another few times riding short trips to build myself up and then pull a larger maybe a 15 mile trip and see how it goes and then maybe I will join a local biking group.

This riding has also made it so that I made a profile on map my ride,


May 242011

Now that you have your domain, you want to get all big and bad and send emails from the same domain and do it for FREE, to do this you will need the ability to change your DNS entries, since I am hosting on my own server this was easy for me, and maybe for you too. You can also follow the entries from google setup to show how on other domain hosts too.

The first step is to go to and pick the first tab, of course unless you want to register a new domain. Then you just follow the steps that google outlines fairly well and in no time you will be sending emails from and to and the great thing is you get all of the power and stability of gmail in the process.

If you want to see how to use your domain on a dynamic IP you can reference my other blog post…

Hope that helps someone out there!

May 132011

Ok, I have brought my website back online after a number of years, I am fairly good at working on all things computer from hardware to software, from web pages to applications, from virus removal to malware fixing, and I figured that maybe some people out there would like a cheaper alternative to those big box stores that “work” on computers by wiping hard drives and component replacement instead of actually fixing the problem you have. So if you are in Maryland and want to have some help please visit my website. I am also a very good web page developer and application developer so let me know if you need help in that arena as well.

I have installed a forum where you can ask questions and get help as well as some other things, so visit and check me out.

 Posted by at 9:24 PM
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