Jan 172011

Have a free dropbox.com account? Upset at the limited backup selections you have at your disposal? You can work around that if you have Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008, or server 2008r2! The secret is in the mklink command line utility. Mklink creates symbolic links between directories on your computer, it will actually appear like you have that same directory in both places.

First: Open a command prompt by typing cmd in the run box and pressing enter.

Second: I find it easiest to cd to the directory where you want the link to show up. For instance, if I want the link in the c:\dropbox directory I would then cd .. until my command prompt showed c:\> then I would cd dropbox so that I my command prompt showed c:\dropbox>, so make sure you know where your dropbox directory is and cd to this directory.

Third: you would then type in mklink /D [New Name] [directory you want backed up in dropbox], just remember if you want spaces in either the New Name or the directory to back up has spaces you will need to surround either or both of them with ”

Fourth: Once that is done, if you go to your dropbox directory you should then see a directory that is called the New Name you gave it, and depending on size of directory and/or your bandwidth you may even see a blue circle on it showing it is syncing up to dropbox

Want to help both of us out, if you go to the following link and sign up for an account and install it on your PC we will both receive 250 MB extra space. That is the link they give us to invite.


Hopefully that helps you with something I found a little missing in dropbox.

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