Oct 062011

I never realized how much someone that I did not know could have an impact on my life. My love for computers started way back in 1982 or so and it was because of Steve Jobs’ Apple II that caused it. I had no idea who he was at the time, I just knew I […]

Oct 052011

I just saw this site and thought it would be interesting for us that may be socially active online. If you have a rather full online social life and were thinking maybe you wished you could automate some of the tasks you perform everyday, you may want to check out http://ifttt.com/ which stands for If This Then […]

Oct 042011

First and formost, no custom ringtones for emails, texts, or voicemails? What is up with that? Microsoft provides custom ringers from phone calls in this update but forgets to add that to the other notifications? hmmm, what a shame. Next shortcoming is also a notification, when something wants to give me a notification on this […]

Sep 292011

Ok, I know I broke the rule and installed the beta on my WP7 trophy, but I heard too many things good about it to not at least try and no one seemed to have difficulty with the install. I also realized that when the official one came out that I would need to revert […]

Sep 272011

I really liked the premise behind turntable.fm but never really felt like part of it, so I have decided to stop using it. Just so happens that this decision coincides with Pandora.com announcement that they have removed the 40 hour limit, thank goodness, 40 hours is crap for a month worth of listening, I can […]

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